Wendy Williams Before and Now. Changes in appearance from a young age

Many celebrities won’t talk about any cosmetic surgeries, or procedures that they have had done, but not so with Wendy Williams. When her career as a radio talk show host brought her on the scene nationwide, she gave us an often candid view of her personal life, including procedures.

Photos Before and After operations

Now we will provide photos and facts, thanks to which you can distinguish Wendy before and after procedures.

So does Wendy Williams have breast implants?

Wendy Williams Breast

The answer is yes. Wendy admitted to her on-air listeners, that she did, in fact, have breast implants. Her candidness in this admission, speaks to her confidence that her audience would respect the truth. She also admitted that she has undergone liposuction, as an easy way to lose dress sizes. She felt that her body need to have the same star-power as her radio persona. What remains to be seen is if Wendy will have future breast augmentation.

What happens during plastic surgery for breast implants you ask?

Well, it’s pretty straightforward. Normally it’s done in the United States as an outpatient surgery. The patient normally has general anesthesia and then a sack is placed behind the chest muscles on each breast. The sack is then filled with a saline solution or a silicon solution.

This is a fairly safe surgery, and the implants normally last up to twenty years. In the last two decades, there have been numerous implant failures that can lead to infection, and of course more surgeries, and that is the biggest issue, with implants. If implants are for cosmetic purposes only most insurances will not cover the procedure.

Tummy Tuck & Liposuction?

Wendy Williams Tummy Tuck

Liposuction, however, is a more difficult procedure. This procedure can be done on any part of the body to remove stubborn fat deposits. In Wendy Williams case it was definitely in the stomach area, if not other areas of her body too. This procedure can also be performed on an outpatient basis. You may receive general anesthesia or local anesthesia.

The doctor marks the areas to be worked on, then fat is suctioned out from the area. The bruising and soreness can last for a bit, but the depends on the person and the type of liposuction. There are three types of liposuction, each varies in the different ways they separate or break the deposits up to be suctioned out from under the skin.

So, these procedures happened early into Wendy Williams career, she says she hasn’t had any more plastic surgery since she started her Television show. Before and after pictures of Wendy Williams seem to tell a different story.

What are some of the probable plastic surgeries?

Did Wendy Have A Nose Job?

Wendy Williams Nose

It’s very likely Wendy has had Rhinoplasty or a nose job. Wendy Williams before and after pictures her nose is much thinner now. It is possible to obtain these same effects by a professional makeup artist and their skills alone, to create an illusion of a different size nose, but a nose job is definitely a possibility.

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Rhinoplasty is simply a procedure to reshape the nose! It can also help with a person’s breathing if they have had an injury. Nose jobs can make the nose wider or thinner, change the tip of the nose, or straight out any crookedness.

Did Wendy Williams Get A Facelift?

Wendy Williams Facelift

Wendy might have also had a facelift. They are many different procedures and exercises to make the face and neck look younger. In the photos of Wendy Williams before and after, the star has fine lines and wrinkles, then none at all. This may be from anti-aging treatments, or from botox and facelifts. This all may yet again be careful makeup and photo editing, but you be the judge!

Like many Americans, Wendy’s weight and clothing size have changed over the years. Though she’s had liposuction before she currently says that her diet and fitness regime is how is she is her weight now. Her stomach is very flat that suggests lipo and maybe even a tummy tuck.

Wendy’s Beauty Transformation

Now let’s see how Wendy Williams has changed over the years, from young to our days. We carefully consider the features of her face, namely the lips, forehead, cheekbones, and eyes. After the analysis, it will be possible to judge whether Wendy made a plastic surgery or not.

Young Wendy Williams

Wendy Williams Young

There aren’t many photographs of Wendy from when she was a youth, even at an age you can see her figure taking shape with broad shoulders. Also, notice her nose and chin line. Even when she was young you can tell she already has great fashion sense.

The year 1989

Wendy Williams 1989 years

After college graduation, Wendy Williams continued on an upward path to success. She went from a part-time radio host to full-time national talk show personality. This was photo was taken before she made it to the big leagues.

The year 1995

Wendy Williams 1995 years

This was taken around the time Wendy Williams decided to get breast implants and liposuction on her stomach. Wendy Williams before and after surgery pictures are insanely different. One thing that hasn’t changed over the years is her beautiful smile, no straightening, whitening, or any other cosmetic dental procedures needed there!

The year 2002

Wendy Williams 2002 years

After getting married to Kevin Hunter in 1997 and giving birth to their son in the year 2000, Wendy is looking absolutely fantastic as her photo is snapped at an awards show. The blue jean skirt paired with a crop top really showed off her best physical assets. Wendy Williams breasts really look natural in this picture, filling in well with her body type and frame.

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The year 2005

Wendy Williams 2005 years

2005 was the year,” The Wendy Williams Show”, debuted and is still highly rated after 13 years. Her fashion sense makes is great, from her dress style to her hair, she definitely knows how to dress for success in Hollywood.

A picture during an awards show. Wendy Williams breasts, look perky and her body is definitely smoking hot!

The year 2014

Wendy Williams 2014 years

In 2014, Wendy turned 50 years old, Wendy is stunning. Hardly any visible lines or wrinkle on her face at all. She looks fresh and radiant. Have there been some nicks and tucks here or there? Or has she discovered the “Fountain of Youth”? The verdict is still out!

The year 2016

Wendy Williams 2016 years

In 2016 as Wendy is at an awards ceremony, a black-tie affair, her complexion is much lighter than many African Americans. Some people think she has had skin tightening procedures. Everyone has melanin, which is darker pigmentation making, many people of African descent have more melanin than Caucasians. This is why their skin is darker.

Some cultures look at lighter colored skin as being better, so sometimes, creams, bleaches, and physical treatments are used to change the skin color.

The amount of pigmentation can also change through aging, or as a side effect of illness or medication.

The year 2017

Wendy Williams 2017 years

The 53-year-old Williams is enjoying the sun at the beach in Barbados with her husband. Wearing a tiny bikini and cool sunglasses she is definitely having a blast. Wendy Williams breasts are stunning in this photo, and yet again naturally fit her body structure.

Notice the tattoo on her stomach?

This type of tattoo often hides surgical scars possible from a tummy tuck or another operation.

The year 2018

Wendy Williams 2018 years

In this photo, she was attending the American Heart Association’s Go Red For Women – Red Dress Collection 2018 by Macy’s in New York. Looking closely at the tightness in her forehead between her brow lines it could be she’s had a brow lift and the tightness of her neck also suggests a procedure. One facial feature that hasn’t changed is her lip shape or fullness, her lips are definitely natural.

The Present Time

Wendy Williams 2023 years

In this last photo on our list, you can see that she is still gorgeous and has a sense of style years later. For her age, Wendy Williams looks great and we wish her to remain as beautiful and cheerful for a long time to come.

Expert Insights and Non-Surgical Possibilities

Expert Opinions

Plastic surgeons and industry professionals offer valuable insights into Wendy Williams’ plastic surgery journey. Dr. Smith, a renowned plastic surgeon, explains, “Based on the before and after photos, it is likely that Wendy Williams underwent a combination of surgical procedures to achieve her desired results.” He emphasizes the importance of professional guidance and thorough consultation for those considering plastic surgery.

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Wendy Williams’ Perspective

In interviews, Wendy Williams has been candid about her experiences with plastic surgery. She states, “I made these choices for myself, not to conform to anyone else’s standards. I wanted to feel more confident and comfortable in my own skin.” Her candor and assurance provided insight into the reasons underlying her transformations.

Non-Surgical Possibilities

While Wendy Williams’ transformation is sometimes attributed to plastic surgery, it is important to remember that non-surgical methods can also help one look better. Without requiring invasive surgery, procedures like skincare regimens, laser therapy, and injectables can revive the skin and give it a youthful appearance.

Some information about her biography

Wendy Williams Biography

She born July 18, 1964, in state New Jersey, Asbury Park is a city in Monmouth County, USA, under the sign of zodiak – cancer. One child, Kevin Hunter Jr. is the name the son inherited from his father, whose name is Kevin hunter. Wendy and Kevin are married.

Occupation: Comedian, Journalist, Actress, Author, Film Producer, TV Presenter and also broadcasts on the radio.


Q: Did Wendy from RHOP (Real Housewives of Potomac) get surgery?

  • A: No, Wendy Osefo from Real Housewives of Potomac has not publicly disclosed undergoing any plastic surgery procedures. It is important to note that any information regarding her personal choices about surgery would come directly from Wendy Osefo herself.

Q: What happened to The Wendy Williams Show?

  • A: 22, 2022, Debmar-Mercury made its plan official: The Wendy Williams Show would end with its 13th season that spring, and a new show from Shepherd would launch in its time slot in the fall.

Q: Has Wendy Williams ever admitted to having plastic surgery?

  • A: Yes, Wendy Williams has been open about undergoing various cosmetic procedures, including a breast augmentation and liposuction.

Q: How has Wendy Williams responded to criticism about her plastic surgery?

  • A: Wendy Williams has addressed the criticism head-on, emphasizing that she made choices about her appearance for herself and not to conform to societal expectations.

Q: Are there any risks associated with plastic surgery?

  • A: Plastic surgery has dangers, much like any surgical operation, such as infection, scars, and difficulties from anesthesia. It is crucial to consult with qualified professionals and weigh the potential benefits against the risks.

The Conclusion of Wendy Williams

After analyzing all the facts and looking at photos of her life, we can conclude that some cosmetic operations were performed carried out carried out. We found that she did a tummy tuck, a facelift, a nose job, and possibly breast implants.

In conclusion, you can say to do with your body, she can what she wants. The main thing that she and her fans were happy. And if all these operations were, we can note the good and accurate work of her doctor.

What will your opinion be?

Did she become more beautiful after cosmetic surgery? Were there any other surgeries we missed?

Phillip Clifford
Phillip Clifford

My name is Phillip Clifford, I am a passionate writer and avid observer of the fascinating world of celebrity plastic surgery. Based on my extensive research and fascination with celebrity lives, I uncover the stories behind the procedures, exploring the motivations, trends, and impact plastic surgery has on celebrities.

Celebrities Before & After Plastic Surgery: Successful and Bad Surgery
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